Sunday, April 11, 2010

Artist statement

Example statement from "As a graphic designer, I consider myself to be an artist, a writer, a communicator, an educator, an organizer, a thought-provoker, and a citizen. I find great freedom in the ability to choose any media, format, and concept that I believe can best convey idea or information.

I care deeply about environments, our human relationships with them, and our responsibility to them. As a painter, I manifest these values in representations of personal experiences of place. As a graphic designer, I aim to address these values in the public realm rather than the private. Because graphic design is visual communication, the exchange with the viewer/receiver is paramount.

I am beginning to develop my visual voice for environmental change. While shock value has its place and its purpose for this end, it is not my voice. I don’t want to get in people’s faces; I want to get in their heads. I maintain that there is something to be gained by being provocative in a respectful manner rather than a confrontational one. I am finding that tone of voice — both verbal and visual — becomes critical to this end.

I am interested in creating experiences of discovery in which meaning unfolds and deepens. My intention in doing so is to engage people as active receivers rather than passive viewers. I am discovering the importance of hierarchy — and therefore scale, contrast, sequence, and composition — in facilitating such involvement."

My artist statement: Since i was a little kid, I was interested in computers. I drew alot back then and i always wanted to incorporate my drawings to the computer, but i never found out that you could do that. If i become your graphic designer, i want to not only work on your ideas, i want to enforce them into something more, something that is destined to become great. In all my work, I give all and above more. I want to be the one on top, instead of the one at the bottom looking at the top.

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